The employee may be subject to a trial period to verify his skills and professional correspondence with the position he is to occupy. When concluding an individual employment contract, only one trial period can be established, and this is considered length of service.
At the same time, successive trial hires of several people for the same position can be made only for a maximum period of 12 months.
During the entire trial period, the employee is entitled to receive the salary agreed in the individual employment contract and has all the rights and the obligations provided for in the labor legislation, in the applicable collective labor agreement, in the internal regulations, as well as in the individual employment contract.
The duration of the trial period is established by the individual employment contract, but it cannot be longer than 90 calendar days for executive functions, respectively 120 calendar days for management functions.
Termination of the individual employment contract during the trial period can occur at the initiative of either party through a written notification, without the need to give reasons, and without the obligation to comply with the notice period.